The CLV Revolution

Transform Your eCommerce with Customer Value Optimization

Access the proven methodology for acquiring and retaining a loyal customer base.

Unlock your data for greater profits, scalable results, and a more sustainable business model.



starting from $5.24

Perfect Rating Score

Customer research is one of the most neglected yet important parts of marketing. This book helps you learn how to blend qualitative and quantitative data to improve not only customer lifetime value but the relationships behind it.

Neil Hoyne

Assistant Professor of Marketing – Emory University

What’s the point of acquiring customers today only to lose them tomorrow?

The eCommerce CAC Increased by 222% Over Eight Years

Breaking even is more difficult than ever.
For even a chance at customer retention you need to:

  • Identify your best customers
  • Encourage repeat purchases
  • Understand their purchasing triggers

Over 24.5 Million Online Stores Worldwide

Even with scarce resources, overcoming the competition is possible when you:

  • Monitor the CAC: CLV ratio
  • Fine-tune initiatives to target the right customers with the right products.
  • Deliver the right message at the right time.

Acquisition Dictates Retention

A well-oiled acquisition machine is fueled only if you answer these questions:

  • Are we acquiring the right customers?
  • Who are our best customers and why are they buying from us?
  • Are we setting the right expectations and helping customers progress?

Preventing Churn Is Cheaper than Mitigating It

To achieve healthy eCommerce Growth, you must:

  • Properly understand key metrics before ramping up acquisition.
  • Ensure data hygiene so you know what your best customers expect.
  • Align the team around actual consumer behavior and deliver true value.

Explore the Proven Customer Value Optimization Model and Master eCommerce Growth: from acquisition to retention and loyalisation.

starting from $5.24

Perfect Rating Score

Valentin Radu

Life-Long Learner, Entrepreneur, Founder of Omniconvert and The CVO Academy, Published Author, Global Speaker on eCommerce, CLV, and Marketing

Founder & CEO @Omniconvert
Blogger Speaker Podcaster
Published Author
Organizer of The CLV Revolution Conference
Lifelong Experimenter in Entrepreneurship
Serial Entrepreneur – 4X (One Fail. Two Still on. One Going Steady.)

Valentin Radu is one of the main figures behind the Customer Value Optimization approach and the brains behind Omniconvert and The CVO Academy.

His mission?

Teaching people the ropes of sustainable growth through genuine customer care.

Born Romanian, Valentin learned the power of delivering more than you promise since the late 1990s. This mindset fueled his journey as an entrepreneur, as he built four companies and he’s made a name for himself in the global eCommerce and startup scene. With hands-on experience in eCommerce, he co-founded Romania’s top online car insurance provider, serving a whopping 250,000 customers. Nowadays, as the CEO of Omniconvert, where he’s helping big retail names like Decathlon and Auchan put customers first. Valentin’s not just a business guy; he’s a lifelong learner who’s always up for an adventure.

He’s also a proud dad, devoted husband, and the author of The CLV Revolution

I have a genuine calling to help others and share the shortcuts I discover on my journey. My mission is to help eCommerce Companies leverage their goldmine – their customer data – and use it to increase the CLV of their customers. It’s the most important task for eCommerce people: moving from one-time buyers to long-term relationships.

Valentin Radu

With a Perfect 5 Rating Score on Amazon, here’s what readers have to say about The CLV Revolution

Transform your perspective on maximizing your customer relationships

Here’s how The CLV Revolution helps eCommerce and Retail owners and practitioners:


Master the Customer lifetime Value Formula for effective strategies and long-term profitability.


Understand key eCommerce KPIs for data-driven decisions and performance optimization.


Increase the Customer Value with the 3 Pillars of Customer Value Optimization.


Use the RFM Model for precise marketing and active engagement.


Run effective and budget-friendly acquisition campaigns for consistent growth.


Improve conversion rates by organizing meaningful Customer Journeys.


Efficiently allocate resources by prioritizing the 6 CVO Initiatives.


Avoid common eCommerce mistakes for smoother operations.


Maintain business continuity during inevitable challenges.


Apply these ideas in real life for practical success.

The Book Comes with 5 Special Bonuses Valued at +$1K to Get You Started

Customer Journey mapping example
-$399 VALUE
Acquisition and onboarding flow
Post purchase automation for ecommerce
Self assessment template
RFM Distribution Template
WORTH $399

The Concepts in The CLV Revolution Book Come from Collaborating with Customers Such as:

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